The request was eventually denied, but the question of why the company official sought the photos has become part of the investigation, intelligence officials said.
Stomakhin fled to Ukraine seeking political asylum, which was eventually denied.
Judge Bork was eventually denied confirmation and many of his supporters have been campaigning against the bar association since then.
The inheritance is eventually denied by Ralph because of the grudge he bears against Wulfric.
Initial industry speculation stated that DJ Tiësto would be involved with the game, but this was eventually denied.
The initially planned merger with Śląsk Wrocław was eventually denied by the latter after several months of discussions.
Mr. Workman's appeal was eventually denied, and he was returned to death row in Nashville.
Rieger received no government assistance in backing his request which was eventually denied by the Emperor.
His request was eventually denied by the Mexican government.
Her asylum petition was eventually denied.