However, to Waid's disappointment, the canonicity of the series was eventually discredited by stories which followed it.
However, it was eventually discredited by Robert Schneider, of The Apples in Stereo, a close friend of Mangum's.
"It's not unlike other fads that have developed over the years and were eventually discredited," the professor said.
Young's letters were eventually discredited as forgeries and Marlborough was released on 15 June (O.S.), but he continued his correspondence with James, leading to the celebrated incident of the "Camaret Bay letter" of 1694.
Everett Fahy is fine while on the trail of the Velasquez, but is eventually discredited due to his second thoughts about the deaccessioning of an important Henri Rousseau.
While the forgery was eventually discredited, its frequent citation by historians has associated Richard's name more closely with Bertram's forgery than with his own works.
This study, however, was eventually discredited as the primary researcher, Dr. Woo Suk Hwang, admitted to using cells obtained from his research staff.
Soon after raids on Archer Daniels in 1995, Mr. Whitacre was discredited as a witness and eventually lost his immunity from prosecution when it was disclosed that he had been illegally taking millions of dollars from the company, even while working as an informant.
Although Dr. Mesmer was eventually discredited, he was the first person to show that the mind could be manipulated by suggestion to affect the body, historians say.
Ms. Brawley's claims of a four-day rape and abduction were eventually discredited.