The house changed hands several times, and was eventually dismantled.
The bull system was eventually dismantled by a period of low unemployment and union power during the 1940s.
The bridge was eventually dismantled for fear that it collapse.
It was eventually dismantled in 1988 to make way for a more modern concrete span.
He said, however, that Congress will eventually dismantle the legal wall keeping commercial banks out of this arena.
The Count wished to continue experimenting, but he eventually dismantled the ship in 1901.
This is in fact what happened, though the Cali cartel was eventually dismantled.
The two units were eventually dismantled due to lack of need for 12 units.
We would then be safe from Ukraine's weapons as soon as this is done and long before they are eventually dismantled.
No further use was found for it and it was eventually dismantled during the mid-1950s.