The company, which will eventually double that work force, will occupy the building by March 2001.
The host nation eventually doubled their lead after 62 minutes, with Aristizabal scoring.
Chris Sabo eventually doubled home the tying run with his third hit of the game.
But as those deals were done this year, the agency eventually doubled its resolution cost to 65 cents on the dollar, or $16.2 billion.
The new plan, he said, would eventually double the teachers' annual retirement benefits.
East felt confident when he eventually doubled four hearts, but was due for a disappointment.
Many oil experts think Iraq could eventually double its production.
East eventually doubled three clubs, which should have failed by one trick.
General Cinema eventually doubled the number of screens to 4 during 1990s.
(In less than four years, the church's membership would eventually double to over 8,000 members).