This was eventually ejected from the game, because the developers couldn't get it to "work out" with the publishing.
After Laurer refused to reconcile, Waltman was eventually ejected from the house by the other guests.
While this was eventually ejected from the original game (for not being family friendly enough), Schafer kept the idea and eventually developed it into Psychonauts.
Harry was eventually ejected from the tournament and was later refunded his money.
Toad was eventually ejected from the castle by Doctor Doom, and he became suicidal, realizing that he was too dependent on others to work alone.
Alain is eventually ejected from the Grapefruit.
Around 30 people were eventually ejected from a full house of about 5,600 people but no arrests were made.
Weaver was eventually ejected after throwing a high fastball to the following batter, Detroit catcher Alex Avila.
Juveniles are eventually ejected from the pouch at around two to three months of age, because of the continuing growth in the length of their spines.
Rhythm guitarist Joey Bruce was eventually ejected from the band.