In fact, the Devils scored twice in a 1-minute-4-second span early in the second period, although that lead eventually evaporated.
When the paint is applied, the solvent eventually evaporates and the dye remains behind.
All the lakes, rivers, and oceans would start to boil, and would eventually evaporate.
Only demons evaporate eventually so now they work by-' He paused.
Most experts believe the premiums will eventually evaporate.
If a compound's vapors are not contained, then some volatile compounds can eventually evaporate away in spite of their higher boiling points.
As its waters gradually receded, saltwater lakes were left behind, which eventually evaporated in the sun.
They proposed the mechanism by which this takes place, and predicted that such pulsars would eventually evaporate their companion stars.
Replies: I am guessing if you leave urine out in open air, the water would eventually evaporate, leaving crystals of urea and other materials behind.
As the water eventually evaporates, it leaves behind all this concentrated salt, resulting in soil salinity.