They also claim credit for the first aircraft (X-15) that eventually flew to the "edge of space".
Singles should be ignored because they eventually fly to join their comrades.
The flight took off and eventually flew into the beam from Kleve.
I'm going to fly out of here eventually, that's how much chicken I eat.
Lehtovaara would eventually fly over 400 missions, scoring 44 victories.
The object eventually flew back over his house a second time, which led Gigandet to assume that it was circling the area.
The crow tries to stop the girl's fall by pulling on the hem of her robe, but cannot and eventually flies away.
Even with gravity, if the intended satellite goes too fast, it will eventually fly away.
He eventually flew to Europe, nervous and not knowing what to expect.
This eventually flew in 1966 and plans were made available soon thereafter.