The game was eventually halted after just 44 minutes of play.
However the deal was eventually halted after he could not market the art beyond Pittsburgh.
An underwater search for the remaining missing body was eventually halted on 23 July.
It remains to be seen if the signing this month of an agreement on international inspections will eventually halt those efforts.
The violence was eventually halted by the movement of Syrian soldiers into the shantytowns.
Shapiro remained on the filings through 2008, when the agency eventually halted operations.
Either way, the algorithm will eventually halt, so long as no aperiodic set exists.
Although these assaults were eventually halted by loyalist forces, they came close to cutting the town in half.
Shipments were eventually halted by the judge now overseeing the patent trial.
His action eventually halted the abolition of private banknotes in Scotland.