Some of the original rules eventually influenced outdoor hockey, such as unrestricted substitution.
His relationship with her eventually influences his decision to drop out of seminary and find another way to do good in the world.
Other local traditions continue and eventually influenced the pottery of the Intermediate Age, which followed.
Whilst at the store, she would often rent numerous series and movies to watch, which eventually influenced her to work in the entertainment business.
The example of the royal exchequer's records eventually influenced others to keep similar records.
With it, an aggressor can influence and eventually dominate a landscape, typically political, piece by piece.
This would eventually influence them culturally and open the way for an amicable political line if they ascended to power after release.
Thought eventually influences behavior by helping to predict the future, to plan and choose the next action.
The cult, he goes on, eventually influenced American aspirations "toward an independent cultural identity."
The Party felt that through the organization of workers, it could gain entry into American society and eventually influence its political structure.