These meteoroids remain in space longer but eventually intersect the Earth's orbit and land.
Eventually intersecting with mother and child is Eddie Passarelli, a shambling 38-year-old who has just walked out of a stale marriage.
From there it has several direction curves from east to north where it eventually intersects I-10 (Exit 166).
Although the main focus of Anguish is the story of The Mommy, all the stories eventually intersect to gruesome effect.
The Armco barrier on the outside of the corner eventually intersected with the grass verge and caused a lack of run off area.
Mr. Leigh expertly introduces the film's other characters, all of whose paths will eventually intersect.
"Two Days in the Valley" constantly shifts from one group of characters to another as it juggles four stories that eventually intersect.
A tunnel driven straight into the cliff would eventually intersect every different type of rock found in the canyon.
Paralleling the original alignment, the two roads eventually intersect and trade directions.
Rather than providing an escape, the magic in "Black Swan Green" eventually intersects with ordinary life.