The custom eventually morphed into a simple good luck charm as people began to forget the stories concerning the Faeries.
Juniper is jenever in Dutch, and that eventually morphed into gin.
This eventually morphed into the creation of a stand-alone single player game.
They called themselves The Edge which eventually morphed into King's X several years later.
"I assumed you'd morph back to human eventually, after I knocked you out."
The route eventually morphed into a civilian road, serving as a major link between Detroit and Toledo.
During its four-year run, the show eventually morphed from a softball interview format into a more hard-hitting political forum, not unlike Crossfire.
The name was written down as "Ezzido", and eventually morphed into "Ezzidio".
The royal guards eventually morphed into "sworn banner" or Sodang units.
The settlement eventually morphed into the town of Florence, and its main street was located along present-day North 30th.