This exchange resulted in a Washington Post report on the school that eventually precipitated the end of Wenzlau's presidency.
The government's support of the NDV would eventually precipitate the Nigerian oil crisis, beginning in October 2004.
This eventually precipitated a heated legal battle between Kand and Willams which was never satisfactorily resolved.
This split would eventually precipitate the Fall of Númenor.
For that matter, there was the Stamp Act, imposed by the British Parliament, which eventually precipitated a revolt against taxation without representation.
In the winter 642, an event took place in Goguryeo that would eventually precipitate wars between Tang and Goguryeo.
It is the underwater camera that eventually precipitates her presumed drowning, and Scout's tattoo which leads the second Eric Sanderson to contemplate a connection between Clio and Scout.
This ocean was hot, steamy, and full of suspended sediment that eventually precipitated and formed bedrock.
The embargo eventually precipitated the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the entry of the U.S. into World War II.
He contracted malaria, which eventually precipitated his death at age 49.