Ten players went past the deadline, and half eventually re-signed with their former teams.
None were acknowledged, Sroba said; Smith eventually re-signed with the Pirates.
His client eventually re-signed for $40 million over four years with the Wizards.
However, the team eventually re-signed him on April 7.
After staying with the club to train, he was eventually re-signed to a permanent deal on 14 February 2011.
After the season, he became an exclusive-rights free agent and eventually re-signed a $300,000 contract with Cleveland.
Mr. Righetti eventually re-signed with New York but has pitched for four other major league clubs since then.
His contract with Lazio expired in the summer of 2007, and then he was offered a new 5-year contract and eventually re-signed with the club.
They eventually re-signed with Vagrant and released the album in 2006.
The team eventually re-signed him toward the end of camp at Roethlisberger's urging after Essex had worked on his own to bring his weight under control.