Later, as a lobbyist, she represented the opposition to the law, which was eventually repealed.
Though eventually repealed, Prohibition had a long-term effect as the spawning ground for later criminal activities.
It was eventually repealed in 1828, the year before Catholic Emancipation.
It was eventually repealed in July 1986 and replaced with the Competition Act.
All except the three clauses still in force today were eventually repealed however, most in the 19th century.
The unpopular law was eventually repealed by the Governor on February 21, 1940.
While it reached a broader, similar conclusion, the law was eventually repealed and there were no further cases.
Law 840 met widespread resistance and was eventually repealed by Peru's legislature for being unconstitutional.
The law was eventually repealed by Henry I of England in 1103.
The Acts were eventually repealed as a result of Fawcett's and others' campaigning.