Most of those refugees were eventually resettled in other countries.
They are members of a religious group that originally fled from Holland and Belgium in the 16th century to escape persecution and eventually resettled in these areas.
They were eventually resettled in Switzerland.
Rose managed to escape with nine of her ten children and was eventually resettled in Phoenix, Arizona.
Approximately 300,000 of these people were eventually resettled in the United States, France, Canada, and Australia between 1979 and 1992, when the camps were closed and the remaining people repatriated.
Following its demolition, it is not known how long Darum remained deserted, but it was eventually resettled during the Mamluk rule which began in 1250.
A decimated population travelled from Bohtan and eventually resettled in Garbadani in southeastern Georgia, 530 km from their original home.
After months of living in poor conditions at the temporary location sites, the Cheslatta people were eventually resettled on marginal farms scattered over large areas, which proved disconcerting for this once close-knit community.
Last June, five other relatives sought asylum in a United Nations office in Beijing and were eventually resettled in Seoul.
A total of 9,000 Montagnards were eventually resettled in the United States.