Jobs believes that losses will eventually stabilise at around 6 to 7 per cent.
Ratings eventually stabilized for the remainder of the season.
You will notice your product or service experiences a decreasing rate of sales, which should eventually stabilise.
But if the Government cannot eventually stabilize crime rates, a new form of tyranny, or chaos, could evolve.
This number slowly fell over the following years as members left, eventually stabilizing and rising again with time.
The reductions are widely seen as a first step in eventually stabilizing atmospheric concentrations.
Clark eventually stabilised the company and left as chairman in 1998.
However, Smith also predicted the market would eventually stabilize at a sustainable level and not disappear completely.
He said the peso would eventually stabilize, but cautioned that this might take several weeks.
As a result, there were some economic shortages and inflation, but prices in Poland eventually stabilized.