Clyde Lynn's incredibly disappearing tail end of his vehicle eventually stalled his racing hopes on lap 445.
As the ice builds up, less air can pass through the carburetor, causing a drop in power and, in severe cases, the engine will eventually stall.
It eventually stalled at No. 51.
The bill was stalled and eventually consideration of the question was moved to a select committee.
However, the project's development eventually stalled, as its tone seemed "too weird" to the company.
The jet eventually stalled and crashed.
Demographics also provide the biggest reason for thinking that stellar levels of Chinese growth will eventually stall.
The sledge eventually stalls as the snow melts (another sign of the witch's crumbling power), so they have to continue their journey on foot.
At first they were successful, but this attack eventually stalled and the Russians retreated that evening in good order.
While this project eventually stalled, along the way a relationship with Falconbridge was developed.