This incarnation of the band won local accolades, continued to write & record and eventually toured the midwest and northeast with the thought of relocating.
After rising in the Toronto scene, the group eventually toured and opened for many larger bands in their same genre or home country such as Silverstein.
They eventually toured along the East Coast, then the Southwest and Pacific states.
She asked a real estate agent she knew to find out if the owner might sell it and eventually toured the church.
He began his musical career as guitar player at the age of 14, eventually touring Europe multiple times with international number-one pop and rock acts.
They eventually toured with Mickey Katz.
The train eventually toured South Australia in 1929.
The two eventually toured Europe together to ride tournaments.
He practices with Relient K and plans to return to touring eventually.
Regarded as a Child prodigy he was later trained by, and at age thirteen, eventually toured with, B.B. King.