Cormac himself said nothing as the Enchanter spoke, but watched the shimmering Queen, trying to gauge the emotions in her ever-changing face.
The cities presented an ever-changing face, as old portions were constantly being melted down and replaced with newer, more modern-looking sections.
Due to the ever-changing face of education, students require different tools and strategies.
They moved across the face of the sun, their formless bodies haloed with sundogs, colors bleeding through the spectrum across their ever-changing faces.
His skin crawls with ever-changing faces that leer and mock those who dare look upon him.
So long as Conservatives can portray the opposition as pawns of Brussels bureaucrats, and can present Thatcherism with an ever-changing face, they'll win.
Tourist scholars have attributed such half-baked cultural obsession to the ever-changing (and somewhat alienating) face of modern society itself.
Observing the ever-changing faces on the bills.
Even in its dilapidated state, though, it is a powerful symbol of the ever-changing face of Spitalfields.
"The idea is to convene some casual brainstorming sessions to go over the ever-changing face of the theater," he said.