The forcefields flashed off and on in an ever-changing pattern in order to allow the shuttle to safely escape.
Plainly revealed in the first movement, the steps are part of ever-changing patterns, an emotional framework that gives them a fresh luster.
O man, in the ever-changing pattern of My thoughts I bring My creatures into being.
Malkin was just behind her, also watching the ever-changing patterns.
Soon, the fascinating vista of ever-changing patterns overcame her resistance, drawing her in.
He made no attempt to move, even after the launch reached the island, and the crew found him staring out over the ever-changing pattern of the sea.
As Bart watched, ever-changing patterns of energy appeared in its weave.
Renie watched them eddy across the light from the window, a swirl of meaningless, ever-changing patterns.
Light, reflected from the pool, washed the ornate ceiling with ever-changing patterns of silver and black, while beneath all lay in darkness.
The possibilities are, in fact, endless; there is always a blend to suit the ever-changing pattern of the mind-body.