As a result, Mr. Felder said, the marital estate "is now an ever-expanding universe requiring valuations that are more and more complex."
Adding 150 slots for 20,000 applicants goes only so far, but given the ever-expanding universe of applicants, the idea has an undeniable logic.
For example, cosmic events like a stellar explosion could be referred to the size of the ever-expanding universe at the moment they happened, rather than to some abstract notion of pure time.
Carlo Santos from Anime News Network said it had "unfolding in unexpected ways [...] and treating us to an ever-expanding universe."
In the process, the breed has grown from the pioneering International Scouts, Jeep Cherokees and Ford Broncos to embrace an ever-expanding universe.
The photons present at that stage have been propagating ever since, growing fainter and less energetic as they spread through the ever-expanding universe.
In an interview, she said the ruling "leaves far too much discretion to courts" and creates "an ever-expanding universe of judge-made law."
Yet how can people be certain they have found the best price, given the ever-expanding universe of Web stores, auction sites and online classified sites?
The spiral motifs are symbolic of the ever-inward search for soul and the ever-expanding universe.
They should be paying attention, but I'm not looking forward to having to include more politicians and bureaucrats in my rounds of the ever-expanding, multi-dimensional universe (or universes).