The mutations rippled through the churning mass with ever-increasing frequency.
SHOW houses, where interior decorators use their talents to benefit a charitable cause, seem to be coming along with ever-increasing frequency.
Lwaxana kept making attempts at sudden invasions with ever-increasing frequency.
When x is negative, Ai(x) and Bi(x) oscillate around zero with ever-increasing frequency and ever-decreasing amplitude.
Subdivisions and commercial developments have been built at an ever-increasing frequency, leading to the possibility of Gray being swallowed up into the surrounding urban and sub-urban areas in the future.
With ever-increasing frequency, attempted ETA actions have been frustrated by Spanish security forces.
He was weak now, still drenched in sweat, and the head pains came with ever-increasing frequency.
We must of course prepare ourselves for the disasters that seem to come our way with ever-increasing frequency.
These modes exhibit a behaviour of ever-increasing frequency as the Cauchy horizon is approached.
"Our local leaders," Mr. Packer said, "must deal with all three of them with ever-increasing frequency."