The ever-present risk of death.
This causes scamming to become an ever-present risk.
The possession and potential use of weapons of mass destruction by states or non-state actors remain ever-present risks.
In reality, public companies not only compete against other: they also have to guard against the ever-present risk of takeovers.
There is also the ever-present risk of danger.
When trying to reach down into these deep holes, especially in soft soil or sand, there is the ever-present risk of a cave-in.
First, there are the ever-present risks of avalanche, cliffs and crevasses.
One drawback of the enormous concentration of oil tanks in the harbor is the small but ever-present risk of sabotage or attack.
However, being in an ocean environment, the transfer of disease organisms from the wild fish to the aquaculture fish is an ever-present risk.
It's an ever-present risk for even the best of old wines.