To be only one out of many billions who is condemned to everlasting death, to miss the second chance.
Through this wound a man's real manhood and immortality flow out, and he bleeds to an everlasting death.
Ay, we must die an everlasting death.
If you fail: death everlasting.
According to the Confession, God in his free and eternal counsel has predestined some men to everlasting life, some to everlasting death.
Dying excommunicated, he became subject to death everlasting.
What," she said, "for a few days of life will you expose yourselves to everlasting death?
Through triangles between quiet banana leaves I saw flame-haloed faces laugh at the promise of death everlasting.
We became dead, dead in spirit, dead in sin, dead to God, so that in our natural state we hastened on to death everlasting.
She told them how He had died that they might be saved from everlasting death and be made pure.