As a result, the eviction case was dismissed.
The courts rarely single out individuals in eviction cases.
Westchester Legal Services' eviction cases are up 25 percent this year from 1987.
But in 1993, 15,058, or 4.9 percent, of the eviction cases filed were holdovers.
While the large urban counties still have the largest number of eviction cases, the rates of increase in court activity are smaller.
But documentation of his age did not end the eviction case.
The grand jury also accused her of altering a judge's order in an eviction case.
He said he hoped the eviction case would be put on hold until the other matter was resolved.
They have sued the entire court system and city and state officials to force the assignment of legal counsel in every eviction case.
So there is a chance of winning an eviction case in court, social workers say, but very few tenants decide to try.