The evidence above contains detailed descriptions of passing that are lacking in reports of the 1872 Glasgow international.
The evidence contained ledgers and calendars of doping schedules, with her initials and name on them.
The police report and physical evidence contained evidence in conflict with Lerner's version of events.
His evidence for a Government conspiracy contains one factual misstatement after another.
The evidence contained a large (6 digits) duplicate entry, that was not supported by any accompanying financial documentation, and misrepesented the Party's financial position.
The archaeological evidence does not contain the bias inherent in the literary sources.
Because of their age, they may be presented as evidence of the truth of any statements contained therein.
The evidence contained in the record, when viewed as a unified whole, overwhelmingly supports both charges.
The first clear evidence of absinthe in the modern sense of a distilled spirit containing green anise and fennel, however, dates to the 18th century.
In her written statement, Hartley says that Hugh Grant's evidence contained a number of "significant inaccuracies".