We wrote the best account anywhere of how those famous aluminum tubes were sold to the public as evidence of an Iraqi nuclear program.
Or so it seems on the evidence of a program presented on Thursday.
The prospect has increased concern that Pyongyang is trying to hide evidence of a nuclear-weapons program.
Several senior scientists inside the department said they were stunned by that stance; they saw no compelling evidence of a revived nuclear program.
At times, particularly after losing the speaker's race in 1986, he seemed to vanish as a player altogether, leaving little evidence of a real legislative program.
Even so, the report said the agency had found no unambiguous evidence of an Iranian program for making nuclear weapons.
The first inspections had failed to turn up any evidence of a nuclear program.
Documents initially cited as evidence of an Iraqi nuclear program have since been determined to be fakes.
The most specific evidence of an illicit program was apparently a network of clandestine laboratories operated by the Iraqi intelligence service.
The Americans want to inspect some caves for evidence of a nuclear program?