"I didn't see any evidence of clear decision-making, of unilateral action by either of you."
I looked for evidence of disciplinary action of some sort.
In 1993, the summit leaders called for an "international agreement" to "protect forests," but there is little evidence of follow-up action.
In 1991, the summit leaders proclaimed "concern" about protecting existing forests, but there is little evidence of follow-up action.
If he found evidence of criminal action, he turned it over to the appropriate district attorney for prosecution.
A situation where further evidence of action taken, is required.
Someone else, who I am afraid is not here, said we should give evidence of tangible action.
This speed and effectiveness are evidence of strong action, based on competence and greater trust in your institution.
Some might see this as evidence of action.
In 1987, the summit leaders "underlined" their "responsibility" for what happens to the world's forests, but there is little evidence of follow-up action.