He pointed around at the chips of ice littering the floor, evidence of his strenuous efforts.
But evidence of the development corporation's efforts is taking shape.
But on the evidence of his most recently released efforts, Mr. Hughes is not likely to create similar shock waves any time soon.
Gleaming shopping malls, new hotels and four-lane highways are all evidence of Kuwait's efforts to put the destruction behind it.
The simple reality of this situation is that the House is being confronted with evidence of a man's efforts to keep an inappropriate relationship private.
Here was evidence of the plotters' efforts to decipher the cryptic symbols.
As evidence of our ongoing efforts to serve, we would like to welcome you to our site.
In fact, these new ventures are only the latest evidence of the Baby Bells' efforts to become international giants.
She looked around the room, at the evidence of their efforts, the used syringes and drug vials and crumpled packaging.
He said he preferred to work on that matter privately, but others in baseball said they saw little evidence of his efforts.