It has evidence of nearly 12,000 years of use by ancient cultures on the Llano Estacado.
Within the nave and choir, you can see the evidence of 800 years in which master craftsmen have expressed their faith in wood and stone.
Archaeological research has shown evidence of 1,000 years of human habitation on the site.
It shows evidence of almost 12,000 years of human occupation in the region.
The site has evidence of "17,000 years of continuous human habitation."
On this particular issue, the evidence of over 30 years' research is before them and there is no lack of evidence to hide behind.
But then there are the corrective shoes, the clear plastic cane propped against her chair - evidence of many years of suffering with rheumatoid arthritis.
Pull over to check out the exhibit center and the striated evidence of some 340 million years of geological history.
The cave contains evidence of nearly 11,000 years of occupation in the high desert.
He probably shows the evidence of four years of hard racing and a lot of travel.