He's the youngest of the family and though he has given evidences of great natural talent.
That he hasn't moved in the direction of Agedincum is evidence of military talent.
Apparently, neither of my parents showed any evidence of arcane talent.
We want a builder whose own home provides concrete evidence of expertise, talent and taste - even if we never actually see the place.
Many in the general public want to see evidence of "talent" as represented by an artists' skill and rendering reality.
Was Snudge being overly imaginative-or had someone primed the boy to watch for evidence of wild talent?
Yet there's evidence of talent both in and behind the show.
But there is evidence of talent, shared equally between the two (though the show concentrates more on William's work).
Admission is based on a competitive portfolio, clear evidence of talent and outstanding personal expression as well as strong potential for creative collaboration.
Brasil showed early evidence of talent for music, excelling at the harmonica and the drums.