With historical evidence related to the leadership skills of Augustus Caesar, Tony is successful.
He said that among those who testified were the victims, police witnesses and specialists who submitted "scientific evidence" related to the case.
Fleming's brief had challenged Leon's ruling because he had not required the government to search for exculpatory evidence related to Belkacem.
The only evidence related to this historical fact is still visible in the shape of high mounds in Jhunsi.
There is very little original evidence related to the story; much of it is hearsay provided by second-hand witnesses.
The cartographic evidence related to Drake's landing have been evaluated in depth by the Guild.
"Taken as a whole, the science standards [already] encourage teachers and students to discuss the full range of scientific evidence related to all science, including evolution."
Mawḍūʻ narrations are also recognised by external evidence related to a discrepancy found in the dates or times of a particular incident.
Major groups re-assessed their evaluation of historical evidence related to this issue.
The perimeter or border surrounding potential physical evidence related to the crime.