In December 2009 evidence uncovered during an investigation by the Guardian newspaper and Guardian Films linked the IRGC to the kidnappings of 5 Britons from a government ministry building in Baghdad in 2007.
But recent scientific evidence has uncovered a dirty side to many of these cleaners.
New building construction in Boston's Back Bay will most likely uncover more fish weir evidence.
In December 2009 evidence uncovered during an investigation by the Guardian newspaper and Guardian Films linked the Quds force to the kidnappings of Moore, Swindlehurst, Maclachlan, Cresswell and McMenemy.
Indeed, recent archaeological evidence from Dreghorn uncovered the oldest continually used settlement in Europe.
I think this is why the evidence of insider trading uncovered by the Hoover Institution and CBS, as rife as it clearly was (is?)
The new evidence uncovered new unidentified DNA and several hairs, one of which tied Branch's stepfather to the murders.
Social scientists and lawyers will increasingly need to consider the ways scientific evidence can uncover chemical influence on behavior.
The complaint said: - By using phrases such as "key figures", "compelling evidence", "uncomfortable facts", "uncovers systematic diversion of aid" and "credible voices" the article gave unwarranted support to allegations which were not sufficiently corroborated.
Later, the four world leaders are injected with the antidote and make a full recovery, while further evidence uncovered by Joe in the Priest's hideout results in the arrest of everyone else in the criminal organisation.