When a movie goes so wrong, so consistently and with such evident determination, you can bet that the film makers' intentions were high.
Given that reality, and the evident determination of the Bush administration to put its people on the bench fast, what should Democratic senators do?
The first diffidence gave place to a very evident determination.
Certainly there's nothing wrong with the evident determination to be democratic, at least on paper.
He could not help smiling, moved by Farad's evident determination.
What is new, and admirable, is the committee's evident determination to enforce them against the powerful.
He succeeded in reaching the opposite bank, despite the evident determination of the enemy to prevent a crossing.
They also showed strange signs of fastidiousness, considering their evident determination to die.
Richard weighed the fiery determination so evident in her green eyes.
The old woman moved in on Joey, holding the rifle awkwardly though with evident determination to finish the job this time .