He stated that Kalischer was evidently influenced by the research of the Pavlovians on the conditioned reflex method.
As Lacan's invocation of metonymy suggests, such formulations are evidently influenced by the semiotic model, sometimes called the linguistic or, later, the deconstructive, turn to difference.
Raison's later life was evidently greatly influenced by the experiences at St. Geneviève.
His activities as a painter were evidently influenced by the Chinese tradition, which also explains why Chöying Dorje painted many works on silk.
Although the troupe is evidently influenced by such experimentalists as Peter Brook and Robert Wilson, the work lacks a unifying vision, especially in the writing.
The first, a mixture of paint and collage that is evidently influenced by Japanese prints, features marbled rocks edging an almost vertical stretch of dark water.
The society of Mars is far harsher than that of Triton, and it has evidently influenced Bron's personality.
"After all, Ada and I are very particular about the people we choose to meet" Mrs. Topham hesitated, evidently influenced by her daughters' argument.
Again moving to Launceston he built another theatre, The Majestic, which opened in 1917 and was evidently influenced by Lucas' Ithacecian roots.