Griffel was evidently missing no opportunity to pin something on Farrow.
Mr. Castro warned that these changes would be the Soviet Union's downfall - evidently missing the point.
The Navy flight leader fired two Sparrow missiles at the MIG's, which evidently missed for reasons unknown.
She was first the slave, then the freedwoman and wife of Barates, a merchant from Palmyra (now part of Syria) who, evidently missing her greatly, set up a gravestone after she died at the age of 30.
The infectious twinkle of merriment - so evidently missing for the last twenty-four hours - had returned to her eyes.
Although there was also something evidently missing".
Ike had fired at him, evidently missing completely; and then Ike had gone in hot pursuit.
A diagonal pencil inscription at the bottom of page seventeen, not in Blake's hand, reads, "a leaf is evidently missing before one."
In his haste, he evidently missed my snide suggestion that he take a cue from the early-musickers (whom he has maligned in some of those outspoken interviews).