Since changes evidently occur not only in the position of the stars but also in that of the whole heaven, there are three possibilities.
Periodic burning evidently occurred over extensive areas for perhaps more than a millennium, exposing the soil to excessive drying and erosion, rendering the area less attractive to cultivators.
True lignivora appears to occur on Oahu and Molokai, but associated distinct forms evidently also occur on Molokai and perhaps on Oahu.
No host plant information is available, but oviposition evidently occurs into flowers, since all female specimens possess considerable pollen on the abdomen, a phenomenon not observed in any other Ethmiidae species.
This evidently occurred later in the relationship, when the resources Nuara valued began to grow scarce on Thiopa.
Quickly occurred evidently that the action occurred during the occupation period of World War II and the academy was sentimentally natural.
However, admixture, the transfer of genetic material, evidently occurred between the two populations.
Possibly one is a forgery, but slips could occur in charters evidently not fabrications in the normal sense.
He continued to watch the room carefully, hoping for some further evidence of squonk cooperation, but no reason for such activity evidently occurred.
At last I had a rough idea of the height of the wall, for the crossing had evidently occurred some twenty or twenty-one feet aloft.