It was therefore prudent to keep the peace, though Demosthenes evidently regarded it only as an armistice.
He evidently regarded this apartment of the old house on East Eightieth Street as a sanctuary, in which nothing could harm him.
Mr. Oliver evidently regarded the young clergyman's good birth, old name, and sacred profession as sufficient compensation for the want of fortune.
This addition was made in response to patripassianism, which Rufinus evidently regarded as a heresy.
Vic stepped to the centre of what he evidently regarded as his stage.
He evidently regards sensation as being the more familiar mode of observation, for he explains reflection in terms of it.
She evidently regarded this constellation as in some way peculiarly associated with herself.
But they evidently regarded me as one of themselves now, and crew-loyalty was strong among all species of spacer.
Pagano showed his surprise and relief at what he evidently regarded as an unexpected and childish question.
He evidently regarded the point as of small importance, for he began to talk amiably, sipping his rye.