They had evidently spent time training in camp at Jacksonport before going to Pocahontas.
Finally, there are the photographs by Abraham Hardis, who has evidently spent his life exploring New York City.
The young men had evidently spent much time practicing; Throat Shot knew that he could not have handled such sticks well.
Ghostface has evidently spent the past few years stoking his resentments and honing his paranoia.
The sun-bleached corpse had evidently spent a lengthy period at sea, though to this day it remains unknown from where the sailor had come.
He spoke gruffly, but the force of his anger was evidently spent, or some preoccupation had turned his mood to other regions.
But she has evidently spent her time out of the limelight productively.
She had evidently spent a sleepless and wracking eight hours.
Part at least of the next ten years was evidently spent in the Newfoundland fishing trade, as he developed a specialist knowledge of the waters round that island.
Poly, like the hamburger and the milk- shake, was unlike any American child Adam had ever met, but she had evidently spent most of her life abroad.