They were also facing some awesome evil aliens, the Delexians, who wanted to prevent them from getting home.
A final speech by an evil alien had so much reverb on it that I could make out only one word in 10.
They landed on earth to save there lives from the three evil aliens who wants to destroy everything.
In the year 9999, the bash of the millennium is about to be invaded by evil mutant aliens.
He helps keep watch over the evil aliens to make sure their plans to dominate Earth don't progress.
She was portrayed as an evil alien, who could also use magic.
In ancient Greece a race of evil aliens from the moon land on earth.
Domingoaniax, an evil alien, has built up a rather large invasion force on the dark side of the moon.
Moments later, both teams are overwhelmed by waves of evil aliens.
The Combine, a group of evil aliens, took over Earth and made humans their slaves.