The evils of gambling, M. Po[rot, are only slightly less than the evils caused by drink.
And we could not admit of evil being caused by Aphrodite, who is a god, to a just man.
Further, it is said that at Madikeri the Omkareshwar Shiva temple was built by king to ward of evil caused by Brahm-Rakshasa.
Deprived of her powers as punishment for this failure, Oriana begins a journey of self-consciousness to repair the evils caused by her omission.
Though she had seen greater evils caused by men with blood reek and fire, and the dusk beyond seemed to promise shelter.
He kept his gaze fixed on the ground, noting with joy in his heart a small sign that nature was fighting a battle against the evil caused by the shield.
Aigler said that the harm done by athletics was almost nothing when compared to the evils caused by "common loafing."
These quarrels are evils caused by turning military service into professional careers for the millions.
Proportionalism asserts that one can determine the right course of action by weighing up the good and the necessary evil caused by the action.
Of all the evils caused by managed care, this may turn out to be the coup de grace: assisting in the creation of drug-resistant superbugs.