An evil eye (grudging), evil inclination (passion), and hatred of mankind, he says, bring people out of the world.
He is also concerned that she may share the evil inclinations of her late mother Lucrezia, who once unleashed terrifying mind-control devices on Europa.
The rebbe neither punishes nor reprimands the young offender, helping him instead to commit the symbolic murder of his evil inclination.
One does not squelch the evil inclination but rather helps channel its energies positively.
Was homosexuality comparable to the evil inclinations that Christian tradition attributes to original sin?
The struggle against the external oppressor waxes and wanes, but the fight to suppress the evil inclinations within is perpetual.
"The evil eye, the evil inclination, and hatred of men, drive a person out of the world."
While the animal soul is still attached to worldly, physical pleasures, it is synonymous with the yetzer hara, the evil inclination.
It is the restraining might of gevurah which allows one to overcome his enemies, be they from without or from within (his evil inclination).