Fear glimmered in the eyes of the Wise as they bent their toothless heads together by the fires and muttered of signs and evil portents.
There were bad omens in the wind, evil portents like bats fluttering in the dark loft of a deserted barn.
Yet suddenly there came news of such evil portent that new fears beset our colony.
To wake twice from such a nightmare is an evil portent.
What it was and what it meant he knew not, only that it was of evil portent.
They regard such a birth as a portent of luck, evil or good, and who is to know how it will take them?
Then there was an evil portent: a freshly killed deer in the middle of the road.
The Fifth Napoleon swore harshly, as the name of the black-robed enemy of crime swam like an evil portent into his mind.
He was black, silent, surely an evil portent when he appeared on any doorstep.
In memory, it seemed ominous, charged with the evil portent of a nuclear bomb.