If it weren't for the evil qualities in humanity, I wouldn't have a job.
Description of the three evil qualities which shorten the life of man-envy, lust, and ambition.
-evil quality; they hunger for a return of the Politburo.
This means that the Jews are an even more distant and unfocused evil quality than is usual in such stories.
Why do you think he keeps on working with Sikes if he is so aware of his evil qualities?
The character of Leamas has dual good and evil qualities like those of Samael.
Now, the men of the time of Chaucer had many evil qualities, but there was at least one exhibition of moral weakness they did not give.
Those outcomes inclined many Dominicans to put up with Balaguer's evil qualities.
Ms. Laredo's sensuous, beautifully controlled playing caught its mad and slightly evil quality.
Paul thought that Hudson "has an amazing stillness about him which has an evil quality to it."