There is just time for enthusiasts to capture the evocative scenes on film and video from carriage and trackside before it's too late.
There was even a dime at the scene, evocative of "I'll dime you out," a colloquialism popular among gangsters.
A misty morning makes the scene even more evocative of the past.
A statue of St. Anne stood in the lake itself on a raised stone platform, creating a very evocative scene.
The utter absence of people from these evocative scenes seems forced, though, turning the settings into modern-day ghost towns.
Some of Jurassic Park's most evocative scenes were filmed on this island, but it's under the sea that things are truly wild.
But when I think back on the trip, those evocative scenes aren't what first come to mind.
Morgenstern paints precise, evocative and visually lush scenes within the tents of her fictional circus.
Other pictures here record subtle but richly evocative scenes.
In other pictures, he posed friends and family members with simple props to create evocative scenes.