Today it continues to provide an evocative setting for theatrical events and festivals.
"the resultant building successfully accommodates the clients engagement with both art sheltered within and the evocative natural setting beyond its walls."
It is an evocative setting and one that brings out the actor in all.
The novel explores the psychology of the three main characters, and is more concerned with evocative settings than with incident.
What visitors will see is more than 450 animals living in settings evocative of their natural habitats.
The show is notable for its evocative setting and props.
Ashton Raze explores 15 of the most evocative and fantastical settings in video game history.
Among the evocative settings visited by the film are a deserted Government housing project for aboriginals that was abandoned after a flood.
Bleached wood, stucco and fabric-covered banquettes in desert colors provide an evocative setting for the food.
His view of the Seine provides an evocative setting for her tale of triangular love.