The program began with Poulenc's "Fiancailles Pour Rire," a collection of six short, evocative songs about love and death.
She saw the members of the audience staring raptly and knew that they had never in their lives heard a more evocative song than this.
It's an extraordinary work, packed with marvelously evocative songs that are rooted in Belfast but which deliver a powerful and lasting universal poetic resonance.
The movie makes a lot of good use of period music, to which some not very evocative new songs have been added.
Everett finds this song more moody, meditative and evocative than Lennon's use of a similar poetic idea ("It's been a long time") as the opening lyric in "Wait".
It's a very evocative song, and to use it to set the stage for what amounts to a war game is a great move.
I kept wondering who was singing this long warbly beautiful evocative song.
One critic described the song as a "bloody narrative", and cited it as "one of the most visually evocative songs of Nas' career".
His achievement in "Company" (1970) was to brilliantly integrate the evocative songs into a theatrical concept.
The first television commercials show characters like an overweight track runner and a sleeping elderly man as a song evocative of Broadway musicals is heard.