The middle section wordlessly evokes horror and fantasy.
The vision of chemical warfare, of a silent, often odorless killer stalking soldiers and civilians alike, evokes horror in most of us.
The exhibition was meant to evoke horror, disgust and hatred.
The image was still capable of evoking horror in him, but at the same time made absolutely no sense.
The story succeeds brilliantly in evoking Lovecraftian horror without invoking any specifically Lovecraftian tropes.
"His work may evoke horror," Ms. Benson said.
She had heard the shivery laugh as well, and its tone was the sort that evoked horror.
The migrants say that the possibility of arrest evokes special horror because the police frequently steal a family's entire savings and abuse people as they wish.
These literalized Jim Crows are torturing him in a scene that evokes Christian horror.
Unsanctioned breaches of this code evoke horror; calculated ones are so initially shocking that we feel nervous, almost guilty, for observing them.