Firstly, like most evolutionary accounts of human nature, the importance of cultural diversity for survival may be an un-testable hypothesis, which can neither be proved nor disproved.
At the very least, the ambiguity of this method suggests that Hayek's evolutionary account of the development of law is value-laden.
Anthropological investigations indicate that gossip is a cross-cultural phenomenon, providing evidence for evolutionary accounts of gossip.
An integration of evolutionary, sociological, and economic accounts will be necessary to fully explain the impact grandparents have in their grandchildren's development.
Finally, he is not particularly warm to one of the most famous forms of relativism, moral relativism, preferring an evolutionary account.
This insistence, however, does not mesh well with an attempted evolutionary account of language, which it is my concern to sketch.
This is precisely what one would expect if the above evolutionary account were true.
The kinship theory of genomic imprinting is an evolutionary account of the origin and evolution of imprinted genes.
It further proposes that an evolutionary account would provide some insight into not only predictable stages of ontogeny, but into specific differences between individuals as well.
There will always be holes in the evolutionary account no matter how much progress is made.