For Aviezer, the evolutionary framework applies, except where the Hebrew verb bara (create) is used.
A great deal of controversy surrounds the evolutionary framework for the domestication of dogs.
And, in fact, it's important to teach those, so that students understand why all biological results are interpreted within an evolutionary framework.
Ultimately, though, scientists acknowledge that the evolutionary framework for self-sacrificing acts is overlaid by individual choice.
But scientists steadily minimized any anti-religious edge to their evolutionary framework.
It was within this evolutionary framework that de Gaulle situated his policies.
It was a deft refinement that managed to place experimenting with market economics within an evolutionary framework for socialism.
For Hayek, the growth of the market economy can be explained only in this evolutionary framework.
This theory, which integrates many earlier findings into a unified and evolutionary well informed framework, also sheds light on the phenomenon of sleep paralysis.
To understand the current tumult it helps to understand how our evolutionary framework developed.